Wednesday, January 23, 2019


I just watched Adam Green's latest video, this one about accusations he is a Zionist shill.

In this video he said, "You can tell a man by his enemies."

As stated many, many times here on TTS and contemporaneously on another website, between summer 1998 and spring 2005 I was zapped, sometimes 10 times per night so I got less than 1 hour of unbroken sleep (the minimum required is 4 hours), and sometimes with such force/energy that I actually felt the membranes in my skull vibrate as they made that buzzing/clicking/rasping/fizzing sound (the shape and frequency of the EM wave determines the sound). I wrote to the Intelligence and Security Committee several times about this, with evidence. My letters will be in their archives (unless they've been 'destroyed').

This started in summer 1998, before I had read any David Icke books but after I had read some books on JFK and UFOs.

But I had also read Enemies of the State by Gary Murray several times too by then.

So you have to ask why Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ and Alex Jones have not been zapped (clue: they work for U S Military Intelligence (USMI) and Alex's family have been connected to USMI for decades), while I hold left-leaning politics and was curious and am now even more (probably too) curious about stuff outside of mainstream politics.

So Adam should not get too bothered about being called a Zionist shill. That is just a very, very weak attack. Adam should ask Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ for the name of Jud-a$$'s USMI handler and ask to be zapped for nearly 7 years, 10 times per night, getting 1 hour of unbroken sleep per night.

This is why Adam will not get zapped. Viewers would see the result of such zapping within a few days. Luckily I was able to work from home, and could meditate to minimise the result of the zapping. But you are ultimately defenceless against such attacks, particularly over such a long time as 7 years. The zapping did cause some physical damage. I now have a twitch/spasm in my neck, which under some circumstances can be violent and snap my neck that I hear and feel the vertebrae grind against each other. This has only recently become slightly painful, but I expect it to become more and more painful until eventually something catastrophic occurs during one of the more violent twitches. I never had such a twitch/spasm before the zapping. I believe the natural flow of stuff around my body has been affected and a bottleneck in my neck has been created. Was this intentional? Was I being made an example of? Was I a lab rat for 5G? 6G? You'll find out when 5G is all over the planet.

But if you don't believe this happened to me then just ask Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ to pass your details onto his USMI handler who would be absolutely delighted for another lab rat.

The only difference would be that you volunteered. I did not. I was what is called a TI, Targeted Individual. I had been stalked for about 1 year before the zapping started. I told you all about that bizarre and scary incident while I was waiting around 7am on a dark, cold winter morning for the bus to go to work, when a car pulled up and stopped right at the bus stop, possibly to prevent the bus from stopping. The occupants just sat and stared directly ahead of them, not communicating. As my bus approached the 2 guys started to get out of the car, but I ran to the rear of the car and stood directly in front of the bus to make it stop. I strongly believe those 2 guys were going, or were giving the impression that they were going, to abduct me. And then that time when I was walking to the bus stop and a guy who had been sat in a Transit with the rear doors open started to walk towards me. But then a milk float came around the corner and he turned around and walked back to the van. A few minutes later while I was sat on the bus the son of the local chief mob was driving erratically in his car looking into the bus for me. And large shards of glass left on the doorstep. That is the level of stalking I am talking about.

Mob and Military Intelligence. Hand in hand. Two sides of the same bent coin.

And it is very likely if not guaranteed that the burglary of those 2 hard drives from my sister's house is directly connected to all this. Because her house and probably communications too must have been under close observation. The burglary stinks of professionalism. She hadn't noticed anything missing or moved for 6 months until over Christmas I discovered the drives and my coat were missing. Whoever did it knew what they were looking for and where it probably was. And to get those drives required nobody to be in the house for a long time.

And there's USMI asset Watson, raking in the millions while ignoring the deliberate Israeli genocide of Gaza coz USMI Trump.

Just trying to put things into perspective for Adam Green (of Know More News) who didn't, repeat didn't, eat my hamster. Because I've never had one (except for looking after the school hamster (or was it a gerbil) for a weekend in 1978).

Addendum: And all of the above, and more, is why I will not allow my codes and ideas to be used for a plagiarised PhD thesis. Unless the plagiariser and their partners in crime demand to be zapped like I was for nearly 7 years. Oh, and a signed confession from Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ that he was spying on me for years.

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