Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Rupert Murdoch is a Bilderberg Zionist CIA agent. He illegally broadcasted propaganda promoting the CIA's death squads in Latin America, and in return was given access to the US broadcast network.

Murdoch then played a major role in engineering 9/11 and broadcasted lies and propaganda promoting the subsequent wars which we are still seeing today, with 1 major, major war against Iran to come, after Murdoch got Trump elected for that purpose.

Murdoch is the guy who kicked off Brexit and then promoted Brexit by once again publishing and broadcasting lies and propaganda promoting Brexit.

So why would 9/11 engineer Murdoch promote Brexit?

Israel wants the EU weakened if not destroyed because the EU is the only global scale entity opposing Israel on Gaza, the West Bank and the Iran nuclear deal.

Murdoch got Donald "nobody loves Israel more than me" Trump elected, who is doing everything and more that his benefactor Sheldon Adelson wants.

And Putin is almost as Zionist as Trump, allowing the PNAC wars and agreeing with Trump at Helsinki last year to guarantee the security of Israel, even though he must know that Israel did 9/11 and RT today reporting that Israel supplied the international cutthroat Jihadis in Syria for years, Putin having allowed Israel to do anything they wanted in Syria for years. Putin also wants Brexit.

Gosling, Watson and Icke are all on the side of Bilderberg Zionist CIA agent Murdoch, having slagged him off for years.

Murdoch took the world into a disastrous series of wars for Israel, which are still ongoing, with the biggest still to come.

This is the power of the Murdoch press, that it can get creepy perverts Icke and Watson on the same side as Murdoch.

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