Tuesday, August 11, 2020


You get zapped for nearly 7 years, and you get hacked, spied on and professionally burgled.

So how do you know the system indeed likes you?

None of the above happens to you, and the system allows those it likes to hack, spy on and professionally burgle. Because the system is spying on them too.

So, for example, which intel would know if David Icke Fake was working with The Bolton Monarchy with my stolen codes and theses. This is mere speculation, understand, and I have no evidence whatsoever that this is the case. None. No evidence at all. NO. EVIDENCE. AT. ALL. Not pointing fingers at anyone or anything like that. Mere speculation. OK? So, in that case, who would know? Which intel would know that that was the case. How would they know? And why are they not saying anything?> Because it's David Freakin' Icke we're talking about here! Icke!! The arch enemy of The Illuminati and all that. Surely they'd want to bring down Icke asap, assuming Icke was and is correct.

But Icke would not be correct. Because he would be handling stolen goods. Making Fake Icke a crook.

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