Monday, November 16, 2020


They sold out.

After years of claiming that 9/11 was an inside job, and that all terror in the USA is run by the FBI, they sold out. They sold out all those who threw themselves from the burning 82nd floor of the WTC to avoid slowly roasting alive. They sold out all those killed or maimed by 'Murican bombs and missiles and bullets and grenades, all fired and/or thrown in the name of Israel.


Dodgy cuck Roger Stone did that. Before Stone appeared in 2016 Infowars were claiming 9/11 was an inside job, and the New World Order (consisting of Israel, Saudi Arabia, British monarchy, banks, Freemasonry, Bilderberg, etc) and that everything bad in the world was due to this NWO. But after Stone Infowars claimed 9/11 was done by real life muslims, and that everything bad in the world is coz of leftists, muslims and immigrants.

Why the radical shift? A U turn. A 180.

This shift coincided with Infowars no longer claiming that Trump was a shill for the Clintons, claming that Trump was the real deal and is actually Luke Skywalker here to rescue us like he did Princess Leia in Star Wars.

"I'm Donald Trump. I'm here to rescue you. Oh, and love the perps of 9/11 and take my vaccine.Or else."

Coz that's all this is: Hollywood.

In order to support Trump, Infowars did not have to sell out. But they did. They could have easily promoted Trump as their prefered candidate over Clinton, but with caveats. But they didn't. They sold out. Completely.

They could have easily said, "We were wrong about Trump, we think he's better than Clinton, but with the following caveats: he loves Israel; he's not going to expose 9/11 perps; he loves Kissinger, etc"

But they didn't. They sold out. 


Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? 

At last one of 'em, David Knight, is asking questions about Trump and Pieczenik. But it's probably too late.

But it was their choice.

Just like it was the choice of the Ickes to declare war on me.

Coz solar dynamo. The fucking pieces of crooked shit!

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