Saturday, December 26, 2020


There is a pro-British faction on Wall Street working to raise China into surpassing the USA economically and militarily. Below is a report on how China will soon dominate the world's economy, partly because of Covid-19.

Rona is an engineered bio-weapon. But engineered by whom? The USA paid China to research bio-weapons like Covid-19. It just happens that Rona is destroying the economies of the west while China takes advantage.

So what has all that to do with Brexit? Many Brexiteers were predicting massive trade with China, and with the many states within China's sphere of influence. Liz Truss recently hinted that the UK will soon be joining the Trans Pacific Partnership!

And remember : the UK only joined the EEC in the 1970s just as the GDP of the EEC was taking off (as Nazi loot was funneled back from Argentina). And within a year of joining the EEC the GDP of the UK also took off. So China has been built up as the next economic superpower, and the UK is getting in there early to get the choice trade deals.

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