Thursday, November 11, 2021


Remember that it was our British monarchy who engineered and kicked off the slaughter.

The British government created The Balkan Committee to destabilise the Balkans with armed nationalist revolutionaries which enabled the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand.

The British monarchy had encircled Germany with treaties should war occur.

The British monarchy tricked Germany into war by telling Germany that Britain would stay out of any war on the continent, but as soon as Germany invaded Belgium King George V ordered Sir Edward Grey to get Britain into the war.

British agents Oswald Rayner and John Scales assassinated Rasputin to keep Russia in the war, and then allowed the passage of Trotsky to Russia to instigate the Bolshevik Revolution. 

All the slaughter was to establish a world government as the ultimate empire, with the USA as muscle and financier, that Great Britain would control.

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