Sunday, January 02, 2022


His role is to demonise Muslims as much as possible.

And his subject for this is Muslim rape gangs.

Yes, these are horrific, need to be exposed and destroyed.

But there's one problem: Robinson is Zionist.

And thanks to former Italian President and Prime Minister Francesco Cossiga we know that intelligence agencies around the world know for a fact that the CIA and Mossad did 9/11.

So if we compare the horror from each, which is by far the most horrific: Muslim rape gangs? Or 9/11?

Quick reminder that approx 3000 people died on the day of 9/11 alone!

And how many died or were maimed in the subsequent wars since on Iraq, Libya, Syria?

And who made a killing from weapons sales and grabs of land and natural resources?

We know that there was a plan for 7 wars in 5 years, and that 9/11 was the trigger for that plan.

But Muslims didn't produce that plan. Nope. It was white Christian/Zionist men in The Pentagon, in London, Tel Aviv, Washington DC.

But Robinson still believes that Muslims really did do 9/11 all on their own. 

So Robinson is to be commended for his work exposing Muslim rape gangs, but be aware that he is following an Anglo-American-Zionist agenda to keep the 9/11 myth alive.

Because if Muslims can form rape gangs and rape young white British females then they can do 9/11. Right?

Coz white Christian/Zionist men would never, ever, ever plan and execute 9/11 and the subsequent wars and blame it all on Muslims. Right?

And to show that Robinson is doing some good work, I now advertise his latest documentary on Muslim rape gangs: The Rape of Britain.

See Robinson on GETTR at  TommyRobinson1

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