Thursday, March 31, 2011


This short precise report exposes how the Arabs have been used as tools of empire.

The British manipulated the Arabs in WW1 to kick out the Ottomans, promising freedom and democracy to the Arabs (where have we heard that recently?), but then installed puppet kings, allowed mass Jewish immigration and gave the Ibn Saud tribe the vast land of Saudi Arabia, with all that lovely lovely oil. With the profits from this oil the Saudis have been able to fund their own private army of terror, with the total complicity of the New World Order.

Afghanistan in 1980, to destroy the USSR to permit NATO to takeover East Europe.
Serbia in 1999, to finally destroy the former vast Yugoslavia opposing the EU and NATO.
WTC and Pentagon in 2001, to provide the pretext to invade Iraq and Afghanistan in line with the PNAC Rebuilding America's Defenses/A Clean Break agenda.

And now in Libya, to remove the pro-African, state-building Gaddafi, forging business and political relationships outside of the control of the New World Order.

To instigate and assist this rebellion in Libya, we have sent in the SAS!

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