The bombing has been led so far by the USA.
The USA is the result of a revolution after we colonised the New World, and we could discuss whether that revolution was engineered or not. I have my own personal doubts about this, and they are laid out in the page on the USA on my website. Washington DC is full of architecture and symbolism relating to the sun and Egypt, and Freemasonry played a significant role in establishing the American republic, holding grand ceremonies and celebrations during the laying of the foundations for Washington DC.
Following the establishment of the republic the American Indians were gradually herded into reservations of ever decreasing size and reduced to the status of a circus freak. Their lands and natural resources were grabbed. A similar process occured when the Jews tookover Palestine, when they herded the Palestinians into the largest refugee camps in the world.
But what has the USA done since they bravely bullied the American Indians into their refugee camps?
The USA created the Federal Reserve, which allowed the international bankers to create money out of nothing, giving them astronomical profits. With these profits they could engineer public opinion and create the Communists and the Nazis. The Federal Reserve financed both world wars. During the world war that the Communists and Nazis fought the USA created the atomic bomb, which they unnecessarily dropped on Japan. After WW2 the USA was the most powerful nation on earth, and has used that power to wage more wars on earth than any other nation. Its military budget is much bigger than the military budgets of all other nations on earth combined. It is a military state. It enforces the wishes of US and Anglo-Dutch corporations. A much respected officer in the US Military, Major General Smedley Butler, wrote that war is a racket.
Yet despite its massive military might, somehow on 11th September 2001, despite many detailed warnings, several passenger aircraft were allegedly hijacked and flown unimpeded around the most protected airspace on earth for a few hours, and then eventually flown into the WTC and unbelievably the most protected building on earth, The Pentagon. The blame for this was quickly placed on two bogeymen, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, with allegations that Iraq also had WMD and we knew where they were. Well, Osama bin Laden has not been captured, possibly because they do not have the evidence to indict him. We invaded Iraq, and did not find any WMD, but we did hang someone who may or may not have been Saddam Hussein. The USA now has military bases in nearly every nation in the Middle East and Caspian Basin...except in Iran.
The actions of the USA since its creation have been those of a devil. African slaves were captured and transported to American colonies, with the blessings of the church, and used to build America. Since the abolition of slavery the descendents of those slaves have generally formed the lower working classes of American society. Racism is still rife in the Southern States. Without the Federal Reserve there would have been no Communism, Nazism, WW1, WW2, UN, IMF and no 9/11 and subsequent takeover of the Middle East and Caspian Basin.
And what has been directing this global military takeover?
The inverted, incomplete and irregular pentagram, the most satanic symbol of the devil, pointing directly into the White House, that has been there since 1791.
[1] A Call from the Colonel: Gaddafi and His Bunker,
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