Thursday, October 18, 2018


But you wouldn't know it by the silence in both the mainstream and 'alternative' meejya.

Yep. Alex Jones and Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ work for U S Military Intelligence. As does merchant of death Bomber Drumpf.

It all makes perfick sense because:
1. before the 2016 election Drumpf was tweeting Obama to get out and stay out of Syria and Afghanistan, but as POTUS has decided to stay in Syria and Afghanistan and build more bases for more soldiers and more supplies for the Jihadis;
2. Drumpf has boosted the budget for the U S military to well over $700 billion per year;
3. Alex Jones' late uncle Biff ran death squads in Guatemala for the CIA/Pentagon, and half his family are CIA;
4. Infowars made a Rothschild-esque fortune from claiming that Israel and the Saudis did 9/11, but now not so much, and instead now subtly blame 9/11 on real-life Muslims and everything else on leftists, Muslims and immigrants when before it was all Bilderberg/CFR/British Monarchy etc;
5. Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ made his name from his book Order Out of Chaos (which is actually good) which provides a powerful and well-documented argument that 9/11 was an inside job of a kind, and he also wrote several articles against war on Iran. But he has now done a full 180 and now blames 9/11 on real-life Muslims, and has started to delete his articles against war on Iran while at the same time publishing propaganda for regime change in Iran while not doing the same to promote regime change in Saudi Arabia, who Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ calls a "cancer on the world".

This is just the tip of the iceberg of evidence.

But here's Alex claiming to be a super duper agent for U S Military Intelligence.

This is the news item of 2018 thus far, and maybe even of this decade...which is why you probably never heard of this except for a few trusted websites like your U S Military Intelligence-free TTS.

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