Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ used to descibe the Saudis as a "cancer on the world" and accused the Saudis of 9/11. Trump also suggested before his election that he suspected the Saudis played a role in 9/11, much more of a role than Iraq anyway.

Evidence is now mounting that the Saudi hierarchy at least ordered the kidnapping of Jamal Kashoggi because he was about to expose Saudi use of chemical weapons in Yemen. But the Saudi personnel who arrived in Turkey just a day or 2 before Kashoggi disappeared suggest it was a planned murder. And the British now claim they knew about a 'kidnapping' and claim they warned the Saudis against going through with their plan. However the murder of Kashoggi helps the British: a critic of the Saudi regime with devastating evidence against the Saudis is dead so the British can continue to sell the Saudis weapons; the British and American media can also put pressure on the Saudis to dump buying the S400 from the Russians (which is why the Anglo-American media kept the Kashoggi murder on the front pages for days while they barely mention Yemen). Trump is assisting the Saudis in creating a humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen affecting at least 13 million, many of whom are children.

Now the claim by Trump that the Saudis would create a half million jobs has been exposed as a massive, massive lie.

The Military-Industrial Complex says the Saudis will create at most a few hundred jobs.

Q: How much longer will Infowars support Trump?

A: As long as U S Military Intelligence pays them.

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