Thursday, October 25, 2018


It was reported earlier this week that Zionist traitor Tommy Robinson made a few million from that appearance in Leeds at the trial of a suspected grooming gang. At the time Robinson was on a suspended sentence for risking a similar trial. He was told that if he appeared at a similar trial again and risked the outcome then he would be sent to prison. He accepted the terms of the suspended sentence.

So what does Robinson do?


He turns up at a similar trial, confronts the defendants and gets himself arrested.

Thousands later turned up at protests in support of Robinson. They also gave him a few million quid in donations.

And now there is talk of him going on a speaking tour of the USA where he could make even more millions from his fame gained from risking the trial of a grooming gang!!

So why do I call Robinson a Zionist traitor?

Robinson is a Zionist. He was the Shillman Fellow for Rebel Media, which is run by Ezra Levant (see below quote). Levant is the biggest Zionist journalist in Canada, and in 2014 while Israel was slaughtering hundreds of children in Gaza, Levant organised a rally in support of Israel. Robinson proudly wears pro-Mossad and pro-Israel T-shirts, and has been photographed standing on an Israeli tank with an automatic weapon.

So what?, I hear many ask. The point is that the Zionists, among many Satanic actions, kept WW1 going for 2 more years. Germany was winning the war in 1915/6 because of their U-boats, and was seeking peace, even suggesting that Europe return to pre-war borders. But the Zionists convinced the British that the Zionists could get the USA into the war on the side of the British, and in return the Zionists could be given Palestine in any subsequent peace talks. In April 1917 the USA joined the war on the side of the British, in November 1917 the British issued the Balfour Declaration, and in subsequent peace talks the British were given the mandate of Palestine. What happened in the next few decades will need several long blogs to explain. But Israel attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 U S military personnel. Israel also did 9/11.

Anyone who is American or British and is a Zionist is a traitor.

It really is that simple.

FAR-right thug Tommy Robinson discussed plans to launch a worldwide tour that could net him MILLIONS during his Parliament lunch, the Sun Online can reveal.

Robinson was spotted dining in Parliament on Tuesday with Ukip bigwig Lord Pearson, Ukip leader Gerard Paten and Canadian shock-jock Ezra Levant.

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