Tuesday, December 04, 2018


No. Don't laugh. Coz that's where we are headed.

The Zionists are now calling for a 'new' United Nations because the current one is allegedly failing in not unifying the world because it is not based on Jewish writings.

No. Seriously. Don't laugh.

Well, now you can.

Coz...enter Donald Trump (and I would suggest Putin). Totally owned by the Zionists (e.g. Sheldon Adelson, Adelson favourites Netanyahu and John Bolton).

1. is threatening to break up the UN because it is anti-Israel (even though Israel did 9/11 as admitted by U S Military Intelligence asset and fat CIA/Confederate/Zionist pervert Alex Jones);
2. is moving the US Embassy to Israel to Jerusalem.

But it was the Zionists who:
1. financed WW1 through the Federal Reserve (but this does not prove they engineered WW1 - that was the British Monarchy and Freemasonry);
2. kept WW1 going for at least 2 more unnecessary years just so they could be given Palestine after WW1;
3. then created, defended and collaborated with the Nazis to persuade German Jews to transfer to Palestine, but only 10% of German Jews took up the generous offers of emigration to Palestine;
4. but that didn't work so a Holocaust (the total number of deaths is massively inflated - 1 to 2 million at most, which is still evil) was globally reported;
5. after WW2 many Jews, persuaded by the inflated figures of the Holocaust, who were initially sceptical of a Jewish homeland in Palestine converted to terrorists and terrorised 800k Palestinians out of their homes and off their lands and farms into the 2 largest refugee camps in the world of Gaza and the West Bank.

Since then, using the global chaos of WW1 and WW2, the UN was established to allegedly stop global war ever happening again.

And so far it has.

But now, after 9/11, as we see the culmination of an alleged plan for 3 world wars (that attributed to Albert Pike in a letter that has never been shown to have existed), guess who starts calling for a new world government, this time one based on Noahide law and in Jerusalem, where 'renegade' Trump is moving the US Embassy to please his sponsor, the ultra-Zionist casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.

And we all know what casinos are used for, don't we Robert (Mueller III who is 'investgating' Trump's connections to Russia when in the mid 1990's Mueller could have nailed Trump for money-laundering but didn't and it is now frequently in the US mainstream media that Trump is Adelson's bitch).

I guess I'm suggesting that the current global power structure (UN, EU etc) was designed to fail so that a 'new' global power structure, one based in Jerusalem, could be created.

The current UN was created in 1944. Israel wasn't established then.

But after 9/11 (which Israel did) there were many shouts that it was all to engineer a WW3. I thought this a major possibility. But so far WW3 has not occured. But we now find the USA and Russia guaranteeing the security of Israel, and China also beginning to collaborate with Israel in a big way.


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