Thursday, December 06, 2018


Particularly if you hold strong rightist views.

Why is U S Military Intelligence agent Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ now worming his way into U K politics and influencing the UKIP hierarchy to hire his best mucker Tommy Robinson as consultant on Islam, when:
1. it was Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ who wrote a book (which made him) which blamed 9/11 not on Muslims but on U S intels but he now blames everything on Muslims, immigrants and leftists;
2. Israel did 9/11, and Robinson was the Shillman Fellow (named after a passionate Zionist) at Rebel Media (run by another passionate Zionist who supported Israel's infanticide in 2014), and Robinson wrote a book which blamed 9/11 on real-life Muslims;
3. Watson doesn't tell his fans, readers and subscribers that he works for U S Military Intelligence (and thus very likely other intels in the Anglo-American-Israeli (and even maybe Saudi intel) intel network;
4. Watson's actions in persuading the UKIP hierarchy to hire Robinson forced the founder of UKIP Nigel Farage to resign from UKIP.

What is U S Military Intelligence agent Watson upto regarding UKIP? Is his work regarding UKIP being directed by U S Military Intelligence? Or even by U K Military Intelligence? Or maybe even by Israeli Military Intelligence (Robinson loves the Zionists and Mossad)?

We just don't know.

Once you've been knowingly and willingly tarred by the U S Military Intelligence brush you've lost all credibility.

On 9/11, the USA was attacked by a cabal led by Zionists. U S Military Intelligence obviously played a role in 9/11 because the U S Military was mysteriously and conveniently AWOL on the day. Christopher Bollyn has proved this Zionist attack by going all the way back to the 1940s and Zionist terrorism. He got attacked and zapped by tasers on his own driveway by what sounds like US Special Forces to shut him up. Thankfully he didn't shut up and went on to expose the Zionists in a compilation of articles and series of videos available to watch on Youtube. Just go to Youtube and enter "Bollyn 9/11" in the query box. It's really, really easy. Netanyahu, who Trump calls "a great guy", is intimately connected to this 9/11 network and laid the foundation for the false war on terror that 9/11 kicked off.

Watson sold out to this network.

That network consists of not just U S but also U K and Israeli and probably Saudi intel too.

So who is Watson really working for?

Just U S Military Intelligence?

Or very likely others?

Is that why he won't tell his fans, readers and subscribers that he works for U S Military Intelligence?

Because his fans will work out that by working for U S Military Intelligence that he is also very likely working for U K, Israeli and Saudi intelligence too?

It would explain why he attacks Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting the US/UK/Israeli/Saudi-sponsored international cutthroat Jihadis) while he has seriously toned down his criticism of Saudi Arabia and has deleted a few articles he wrote which were against war on and interfering in Iran. For instance, when Obama was POTUS, Watson frequently criticised Obama over Yemen. But now it's Trump in the White House? Hardly a word of condemnation. Even though civilian deaths have, and the humanitarian crisis has, accelerated to the speed of light under U S Military Intelligence agent merchant of death Bomber Drumpf.

It's like he sold out to a network of death or something...

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