Tuesday, December 11, 2018


The Muslim hoardes are coming to slit your throats in your beds!!

That's what Infoturds have been shouting for years.

But before this they were shouting stuff like, the New World Order are coming to arrest you and take you to a conversion camp to brainwash you, and if you won't agree to be brainwashed then you'll be killed.

Turns out Infosellouts has been a U S Military Intelligence asset for years.

But back to the invading Muslim hoardes.

Where are they coming from?

Nations named to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11 as targets for war and regime change, even though those nations played no role in 9/11 whatsoever.




Refugees in their millions.

Saudi Arabia won't take them in. Probably coz the refugees don't want to be in a nation that cuts people's heads off for farting eggy farts.

But watch this video and ask yourself: why are Infowars being just anti-immigrant when it's blatantly obvious who is really behind this influx of immigrants to Europe: Israel.

Shortly after 9/11 Infowars made a fortune from blaming 9/11 on Israel, Saudi Arabia and intels.

Now they blame everything on leftists, Mooslims and immigrants.


What happened between now and then?

They sold out.

They sold out to the network that did 9/11 and runs paedophile networks.

After watching this, just ask yourself who is driving mass immigration, how and why.

9/11 was done by the Zionists and their satanic mates to kick off a series wars to expand Israeli influence.

General Wesley Clark was told shortly after 9/11 that 7 nations in 5 years would experience war and regime change in response to 9/11, even though those 7 nations had nothing to do with 9/11.

Infoturds actually referenced this plan!

Turns out that most of the refugees into Europe come from or through those nations that were attacked by the USA, on behalf of Israel, afte Israel attacked them USA on 9/11 and caused utter chaos.

But who do Infoturds blame?

Yep. The refugees.

Not Israel and their Zionist sell outs in U S Military Intelligence and other intels for causing the chaos.

Nope. It's all down to those leftists, Mooslims and immigrants.

They, the rightist Zionist Confederate CIA Infoturds, have been tasked with keeping 'Murica as pure and as white as possible (coz it wasn't obviously white males who engineered and executed WW1, WW2, the financial crisis of 2007/8 and 9/11, right?)

Nope. It was definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely leftists, Mooslims and immigrants who caused all that carnage and built the structure for world government. Right?

Yes, siree. Ain't no doubt about that.

Definitely leftists, Mooslims and immigrants who engineered WW1, WW2 and 9/11.


Coz they all ran U S Military Intelligence, the CIA, the White House, the Pentagon, etc on 9/11.


And Icke's fallen for this racist bullshit!?

Wouldn't it be better to embrace these immigrants and explain to them what is happening, how they are being used, and what we can all do together as one?

Or does he not believe in his own rhetoric.

Yes, kick out immigrants who rape and steal and murder and pretend to be 15 years old when they are actually 30 years old.

We've all been had. We've all been manipulated.

But we're all better than bog standard Tommy Robinson-style racism.

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