Tuesday, June 09, 2020


I send The Bolton Monarchy loads of my research for free. I then ask, each time nicely and politely, for over a year, for some help and advice. None was given. In fact no thanks was given either. I then ask, again each time nicely and politely, for a further year, that the research I had sent for free be deleted. It wasn't.

I then, thinking some might be interested and in the spirit of public scientific education, explain what I had found during my research into the sun. This probably prompted the professional burglary of my sister's house for 2 external storage devices, but they may have been burgled before then. This burglary was the reason that I did not submit a PhD thesis based on that research, because I took this professional burglary as a death threat against my sister. There is now the probability that someone will use that work and present it as their own, ie academic plagiarism.

The son of the self-proclaimed Son of God then mocks me using data hacked from my personal computer. I am convinced that self-proclaimed Son of God knows who commited that burglary and that he is using it along with the burglars. After everything I had done for him.

He now appears on a bona fide racist Confederate extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset, Infowars, run by one of the most vile people on the planet, CIA Confederate Zionist Alex Jones, to promote himself.

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