Friday, May 21, 2021


The David Icke Dot Connector today looked at the elite war on the awake. 

But the Ickes declared war on me in 2018, maybe before by spying on me while I lived in one of the most anti-war, anti-racist homes in the UK.

And note that David says the next freedom march on 29th May needs to be absolutely massive to send a message. But the protests in London have so far been around 100k. There was an anti-war protest in 2003 which around 1 million attended. Did the war on Iraq get cancelled? Nope.

Not even 1 million on the streets of London is enough to stop the agenda.

There needs to be 10 million on 29th May.

Which brings me to my next point.

I just watched Right Now, or a segment of it. Two of the five interviews are free to watch. But you have to pay a tenner a month to watch the others.

Why is that?

If the situation really is as dire as the Ickes make out then they should be giving their stuff away for free. They expect me to give my stuff away for free (as in being burgled and hacked).

If they want millions on the streets marching and protesting then they need to be giving their stuff away...FOR FREE!!

Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson are exactly the same.

Jones turned out to work for extreme right Zionist Confederate CIA US Military Intelligence. Jones has got a very lucrative sideline selling products, which I understand was the idea of Watson.

Watson looks like he has sold out too, but to a British Zionist faction of the intels, while he flogs Turbo Farce.

And now we see the Ickes trying the same trick: claiming the sky is falling down, really really fast, and only they can save us, but to do that we have to buy their stuff. 

If things really were as bad as Jones, Watson and the Ickes are making out then they would be giving their stuff away for free. But they're not.

If they wanted the masses awake and on the streets demanding their rights and freedoms, arresting Hancock and Whitty and Fauci, then they'd be giving their stuff away for free. 

We keep hearing it from them: this is the end of humanity, we only have a few weeks, etc.

Oh, yeah? Well stop burgling and hacking and plagiarising and GIVE YOUR STUFF AWAY FOR FREE, you damned crooks masquerading as freedom fighters!!

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