Tuesday, October 26, 2021


While I was working in Austria the office was pesruaded first into weekly testing (I refused), and then into taking the Pfizer vaccine (I refused). The boss is a devotee of Bill Gates having frequently played Bridge with not only Gates but also the Habsburgs! I told a work colleague there is no way I would be taking the vaccine and advised him not to take it. But as soon as he took the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine he was at death's door feeling the worst he'd ever felt in his life, and he took 2 days off work. Many others in the office were also ill and took a day off.

And sadly an ex-colleague, a month or so after his 2nd shot, collapsed in the office and died.

Dr Richard Fleming, who I referenced in May, has today exposed what happens to blood when it meets the Pfizer vaccine: immediate clotting and destruction of blood cells.

This makes me happy and sad: sad in that this is what very likely killed my ex-colleague in the office; but happy because there is a clique in that office who stole my codes and theses but who also took the double shot of the Pfizer vaccine.

Hopefully that thieving Nazi clique will die slow, horrible, painful deaths.

Please God, make it so. 

I did nothing against them and said nothing against them, but they stole my codes and theses.

Please die slow, horrible, painful deaths.

Nazis in a "cowboy outfit". Yee-haw!!

Or hang yourselves immediately!! 

It's now in your blood, clever little Nazis, killing your blood and thus killing you, hopefully this winter/.


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