Wednesday, November 04, 2015


You thought that they couldn't go any lower after recently being awarded funding from the CIA Google, after already collaborating with the CIA US AID, George Soros and NATO/Atlantic Council?

Well, you're wrong.

A month ago the USA blatantly demolished a hospital in Kunduz, knowing that it was a functioning hospital.

Since then there has been an attempt to paint Russia as the hospital-haters by claiming that Russia has bombed 6 hospitals in Syria. Indeed, Russia demanded that the aggressive NATO/Zionist/Gulf states show their evidence that Russia has bombed hospitals in Syria. No such evidence has been provided. This claim has now been debunked, with 5 of the named hospitals not existing.

But the sixth, in Sarmin, is the subject of Bellingcat's latest journey into satisfying their CIA/NATO masters with anti-Russia propaganda.

Bellingcat claim that in an attempt to prove that they didn't bomb an alleged hospital in Sarmin, Russia has used an old satellite image to show the alleged hospital as untouched. The Bellingcat report is entitled Fact Checking Russia’s Claim that it Didn’t Bomb a Hospital in Syria, and ends thus:
In summary, the Russian MoD’s claim that it did not destroy a hospital in Sarmin is accurate, but, regrettably, that’s the extent of Moscow’s truthfulness. The Russian MoD provided falsely dated aerial imagery in an attempt to disguise the destruction of the airstrikes that occurred on 20 October, which were reported to have resulted in the deaths of at least a dozen people.

Written by Nathan Patin with contributions from the Bellingcat Investigation Team and the Conflict Intelligence Team.

NB Who is this Conflict Intelligence Team? It sounds very NATO/CIA-ish.

But here Bellingcat are explicitly admitting and stating that Russia is telling the truth that it did not strike a hospital in Sarmin.


A claim that was halfway around the world, thanks to the likes of the CIA's RFERL and unquestioning NATO media, before the truth could get its boots on!

The Russian MoD cite a photo which was used by Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty which RFERL say is of the alleged hospital in Sarmin in ruins. The report this photo is taken from is Medical Group Issues Video Of Russian Attack On Hospital published on 23rd October, and the photo is this:

The same RFERL report states:
The medical organization that said its field hospital in northwestern Syria was hit by Russian air strikes has released a video from the aftermath of the attack, which killed two members of its medical staff.

The Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) -- which has dozens of medical facilities for refugees in Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan -- said the October 20 strikes in the town of Sarmin killed 12 people and injured at least 28 others.

It added that the two strikes -- about five minutes apart -- were at least the ninth time a hospital or field clinic in Syria has been struck since Russia began its bombing campaign on September 30 in support of Moscow's ally, embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

This building is claimed to be a school building, but perhaps abandoned and used for other purposes.

We can and should ask why that area was targeted.

But the fact is that the aggressive NATO/Zionist/Gulf states have claimed that Russia has been deliberately targeting hospitals. But when asked to provide evidence of their claims they do not provide any, but use their willing propaganda-poodle to use their new fangled technology to damage Russia as much as possible (which isn't much anyway) by showing that the image used by Russia to show the hospital as not having been bombed is one taken before the alleged attack on that 'hospital'.


It was rather silly of Russia to have used that image, I'll admit.

BUT THEY ARE NOT TARGETING HOSPITALS...unlike the USA...who are behind the wars in North Africa and Middle East in the first place!

But what about the initial allegations, of not just this hospital but all the others too?

And the biggie: the true cause of the violence in Syria, which was exposed by General Wesley Clark?

And to just make sure that you are all fooled by this blatant NATO/Zionist/Gulf state propaganda, here are a few tweets that Higgins, without any fact-checking, retweeted: a BBC journalist's comments on a Daily Telegraph reporter's comments on the attack in Sarmin.

This is just one way in which the journalistic integrity of Bellingcat is descending quite rapidly to a new low, so low that they would not be able to enter the Joseph Goebbels School of Journalism to study for their lowest qualification.

But the biggest way in which Bellingcat serve their CIA/NATO masters is by not exposing the true reason for the series of wars we have seen since 9/11, particularly in Syria.

And for those who are still wondering what I am referring to, here is General Wesley Clark exposing the plan:

And if you cannot see that this plan is being implemented then you are a 100% bona fide

The simple and plain facts are these:
1. the plan to attack Syria, Iraq and Iran was suggested as early as 1991;
2. this was written up by Zionists in A Clean Break in 1996;
3. and further developed into Rebuilding America's Defenses;
4. 9/11 gave the warmongers the opportunity to implement this plan, naming Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia as targets of American vengeance for 9/11 even though these seven nations had nothing to do with 9/11;
5. by 2007 only Iraq and Lebanon had been attacked, and the general public of NATO nations were sick and tired of war;
6. so this concept of humanitarian war was implemented, with cutthroat Jihadis painted as 'freedom fighters' unleashed under cover in the CIA's Arab Spring;
7. first Libya;
8. then Syria;
9. but by the middle of 2013 NATO's cutthroat Jihadis had not killed Assad so they ran a false flag to provoke a war, but that failed;
10. so Islamic State was allowed to rise to power;
11. the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states pretended to bomb Islamic State for a year, but were caught actually supplying them several times through airdrops and convoys through Turkey;
12. but Russia, after a request from Assad, has decided to help to destroy Islamic State and the cutthroat Jihadis that were unleashed onto Syria by the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states;
13. this has pissed off those NATO/Zionist/Gulf states who have spent billions training and arming those Jihadis, just to watch their bloody investment be blown to smithereens.

It all comes down to that plan exposed by General Wesley Clark.

It really is that simple.

And we must ask why Bellingcat refuse to expose this.

Is it because if this plan, and the parallel aggression by NATO in Ukraine, were exposed then there would be no wars and conflicts, and thus no propaganda for Bellingcat to produce for NATO?

If not, then what is the reason?

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