Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Rupert Murdoch was a small time Australian media owner, until he decided to help his old mate, the deep, dark CIA/Mossad agent who ran paedophile networks, Roy Cohn, with illegally printing and broadcasting CIA propaganda in support of Reagan's death squads in Latin America, e.g. Guatemala. Curiously, Alex Jones' late uncle Biff helped to run these death squads.

It's a small world, ain't it?

But back to Murdoch. Despite being an Australian operating out of Australia, Murdoch was given access to the US broadcasting network. Murdoch then became a powerful member of Bilderberg and a committed Zionist. He financed William Kristol and the Neo-conservative network that founded PNAC. It was PNAC that called for "a new Pearl Harbor" to persuade the USA to fight a series of wars against nations who were generally enemies of Israel. 9/11 was the "new Pearl Harbor" that PNAC dreamed of, and the plan for war and regime change in 7 countries in 5 years is now at least 10 years behind schedule, and the big and final war in that plan, against Iran, is still to occur.

Anyway, after 9/11 it was of course Murdoch's media empire that promoted war against Iraq. And look how that turned out!

So after promoting endless war, Murdoch then put his media empire behind Donald "nobody loves Israel more than me" Trump, to put Trump within touching distance of Hillary Clinton. Zionist media such as Breitbart, Rebel, etc. did their bit to put Trump almost level with Clinton. But something more was needed. So In-Faustus-wars was bought off to promote Trump, and the reliable FBI did the rest by announcing that they had 'just' found some more emails from Clinton which 'looked' suspicious. But the FBI had sat on those emails for months until the time was right. This announcement was unnecessary, and took 5% off Clinton's support. And when the FBI announced there was nothing suspicious in those emails she never recovered. So Trump won.

And around the same time, Murdoch began to meet Nigel Farage in secret. Murdoch's media then began to promote UKIP, which spooked Cameron into the Brexit referendum. During the camapigning before that referendum Murdoch's media suggested several times that Queen Liz supported Brexit. Murdoch is still alive and well. Murdoch basically controls the UK through The Sun and Sky News. The same in the USA with Fox News.

So, that's just a hint of what Murdoch is and what he stands for: a powerful Bilderberg Zionist, given his big break by his good friend Roy Cohn who was a CIA/Mossad agent who ran paedophile networks. Murdoch laid the groundwork for 9/11 and the subsequent wars, and then put Trump in the White House to continue the current Zionist power grab.

So maybe, just maybe, Murdoch is driving Brexit for a nefarious agenda?

This is the kind of independent thinking that the Zionists who did 9/11 do not want to see, hear or read.

Which is why their asset Captain Pervert is co-ordinating an attempt to destroy me, after he (and maybe Icke) were spying on me through a series of secret cameras since 2010(?) in the house I lived which was and still is one of the most anti-war in the UK if not the world. I was totally unaware of those cameras. Their output may have been designed to make it look like I was, but I swear, cub's honour that I did not know.

But I'm convinced that Watson knew because one night in February 2014 I watched a DVD of A Room With a View. The next day Captain Pervert, completely out of character, posted a picture of the Duomo in Florence, which features in the film.

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