Monday, February 25, 2019


Why was I singled out for the 'special treatment' of being zapped, and you weren't?

Perhaps because my family is collectively as left-wing, anti-racist, anti-war as it gets?

Trade union rep. Mixed race family. And me, living for years in one of the most anti-war homes in the UK if not the world. Who wanted to get the banks into court. Who exposes WW1, WW2 and the PNAC wars.

Beyond just writing against racism. Actually living with and experiencing racism. And enticing the banks to get me into court to prove we owe them virtually nothing.

But then white Watson sells out to the network that did 9/11, who then focuses white anger due to the financial crisis of 2007/8 onto Jussie Smollett who didn't do 9/11, or murder and rape a white 6 year old white girl on the Isle of Bute.

And the alright all-white Ickes just write books and songs, and occasionally attend protests against racism and Zionism while siding with the ultimate Bilderberg Zionist architect of 9/11, Rupert Murdoch...

Watson is promoted due to his extreme rightist Zionism. And Icke is sometimes attacked in the media.

But they're not zapped!

But I am!!


The one distinction is race. My family is mixed race. Watson's and Icke's family aren't.

I'm not surprised that Watson wasn't zapped. He sold out to the network that created the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836 and fought at the ranks of colonel and even general for the Confederacy in the US Civil War.

But as for the Ickes and the Goslings of the world: WTF?!?!

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