Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Citizens rights.

Both EU citizens in the Great Britain, and British citizens in the EU.

For years HM Government has been suggesting that this was the very first aspect of Brexit that was agreed and guaranteed several years ago.

Turns out it's been a big lie all along.

So if they've been lying about this then what else are they lying about?

How about pandering to extreme rightist Zionist Rupert Murdoch's every whim?

Not even Corbyn raised this issue. Why?

Five million people in total have been terrified for 2.5 years about what could happen to them. They've seen the lies but when pointed out have been ignored. When the vote was held in 2016 were the rights of 5 million people even discussed or mentioned? Nope. Why? Because the Murdoch media were pushing Liam Fox's lies that negotiating Brexit would be a piece of cake. Billions more for the NHS. Lies like these and suggestions by the same Murdoch media that Queen Liz supported Brexit convinced many Brits to vote Brexit, like they were convinced by the same Murdoch media to support war on Iraq, Libya, Syria, and soon Iran.

And the NHS thing is a total joke. The extreme rightist Zionists driving Brexit want the choice cuts from the carcass of a privatised NHS. And as for chlorine-washed chicken?

But what amazes me is why Captain Pervert, the Ickes and Gosling cannot see that the extreme rightist Zionists like Murdoch are driving Brexit, and are not asking why, when Israel wants the EU seriously weakened because of the Iran nuclear deal, among other things. I mean, Israel has signed a huge post-Brexit deal with Great Britain. Israel got the plum trade deals with Great Britain because it was first, after their asset Murdoch has driven us to this point. But what would happen if other nations left the EU, due to Bannon and his populism due to the Israel-driven immigrant problem? Would Israel be first in line and get the plum trade deals with those nations? Is that the plan? For Israel to pick off EU countries one by one, drive them into leaving the EU, thus weakening the EU but at the same taking the prime trade deals while at the moment they can't?


But nobody else is explaining why it is the extreme rightist Zionists driving Brexit. I am. And yet I'm the one having secret surveillance cameras placed in my bedroom, having my codes, theses and ideas stolen, and even clothes stolen from my sister's house?!?!

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