Tuesday, June 09, 2020


I was one of the first to defend, support and promote David Icke for his controversial and interesting research. I built a website that was based partly on his work, with all credit given. I also donated about £1000 to help him keep his IP when someone was trying to claim it in the mid-2000s.

The very sad irony is that now he knows who burgled my sister's house and hacked my computer and is using my stolen codes. And if I'm wrong he can always take me to court!!

Anyhoo, Icke has been saying for years stuff like, "We're all one so let's just love each other."

Icke, in his old age, is now transferring control of the Icke media empah to his son Garth.

But hang on a mo'.

Why is David Icke still promoting himself on Infowars when he knows that Alex Jones' family is big time racist and Confederate, that Infowars is a bona fide extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset that defends Israel and 9/11, and that Alex is treating his ex-wife Kelly sickeningly horribly over their children who were awarded to her because of Alex's behaviour?

Why is Garth promoting extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset, mini-Alex Paul Joseph Watson who loves Israel and has mates like Zionist Tommy Robinson?

Why did Garth mock anti-war, anti-racist Owen Jones when Jones was violently assaulted by neo-Nazi Chelsea football thugs?

And why did Garth mock me, using data hacked from my personal computer, when my sister's house was professionally burgled for 2 external storage devices?

David Icke couldn't be more fraudulent if he blacked-up, claimed he comes from Jupiter and came here from there on a skateboard.

David Icke is a fraud. Change my mind (good luck with that!).

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