Tuesday, June 09, 2020


Here's Pretty Paul having a go at the Democrats for using the death of George Floyd as a PR stunt.

But one of the first things that his orinjness Trump did as POTUS was to install a portrait of President Andrew Jackson in the White House, along with a bust of racist, war criminal, slavery-loving, British Imperialist and white supremacist Winston Churchill.

Trump then went to The Hermitage, the home of President Andrew Jackson, to salute Jackson's rotting corpse. Below is a photograph of that Trump PR stunt.

But does Trump know and understand just how much damage Jackson did to the United States for the British?

Probably not. Trump is a product of the racist, extreme rightist, Zionist, mob, U S Intelligence network that whacked President John F Kennedy and his brother Robert.

This is the same network that the Ickes are now collaborating with to destroy me because Infowars is part of that network.

Jackson was a racist, white supremacist traitor. He owned 300 slaves. He condemned the south to dependence on slavery, and in doing so became the Godfather of the Confederacy.

David Icke began his research in the USA where he came into contact with lots of far right, white supremacist material that promoted Jackson as a hero and a saviour. WRONG!! I'm thinking here of The Money Masters, and The Creature from Jekyll Island. None of them go into how racist and white supremacist and how much a traitor Jackson was. They only focus on Jackson destroying The Second Bank of the United States, and ignore how this along Jackson's Indian Removal Act actually led to the south becoming dependent on slavery. This was then used by the British to divide the USA and provoke civil war. And in that civil war Alex Jones' family fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army to defend negro slavery.

So what's happening now?

Despite now knowing this and that Infowars is a bona fide extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset, David Icke still appears on Infowars to promote himself. And his son Garth promotes extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset, mini-Alex Paul Joseph Watson, who thinks he should win any argument just because of how handsome he thinks he is!!


So while the Democrats may use the death of George Floyd as a PR stunt, Trump has done much, much worse:
1. the sword dance with the Saudis;
2. accepting a necklace from the Saudis;
3. the recent PR stunt at St John's Church which required peaceful demonstrators to be driven away.

The list is long.

But this PR stunt by Trump saluting the rotting corpse of President Andrew Jackson, who was the Godfather of the Confederacy and did so much to destroy the USA for the British, will never be beaten by any Democrat PR stunt.

Trump is sick in the head. He fancies his daughter more than his own wife, and encouraged his daughter to base the supply chain for her global fashion business on cheap Chinese Communist sweatshops. And that's just for starters!!

Anyway, here's sicko Trump saluting the rotting corpse of the greatest traitor to the USA who has ever lived: President Andrew Jackson.

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