Saturday, October 09, 2021


Which is why Garth Icke would rather film himself walking up Snowdon...because he thinks he is oh so bloody gorgeous.


The Ickes are neo-Nazis.

When anti-war, anti-racist activist Owen Jones was violently assaulted by neo-Nazis Garth Icke mocked Jones.

But was Garth punished by his daddy David?

Er, nope. The opposite in fact. Garth is now being lined up to take over the Icke media empire when daddy Dave kicks the bucket, which I hope will be sooner rather than later because the guy is an embarrassment. Icke still hangs out with bona fide U S Military Intelligence asset Alex Jones who gave Zionist Tommy Robinson hundreds of thousands of pounds to produce an anti-Muslim documentary. Robinson failed. Jones is a lying Confederate who protects and defends the British agent slaver Andrew Jackson and the British project designed to destroy the United States: The Confederate States of America.

Jackson was put into place by British agents, and then destroyed the Second Bank of the United States by withdrawing federal funds and placing those funds in what are known as Jackson's Pet Banks which were owned and/or managed by Jackson's friends and cronies. Instead of financing rural and industrial development those banks then blew those funds on land speculation.

Jackson also began the forced removal of native Americans from their ancestral lands. This led to the creation of the Confederate States of America. The native Americans were removed from states such as Georgia which lay at the geographical centre of the Confederacy. And because Jackson had destroyed the bank there was no finance available for industrial development so planters bought up the native American lands and built plantations which were worked by slaves. This led to the Southern dependency on slavery and King Cotton.

With the south dependent on slavery, Great Britain sent in and activated their agents to lobby against slavery. Northern anti-slavers raided the south, which provoked several southern states to secede...TO DEFEND NEGRO SLAVERY!! Not over a tariff. TO DEFEND NEGRO SLAVERY!!

Alex Jones' family had been instrumental in the creation and development of Texas. Texas was part of Mexico, but when Mexico banned slavery the white European settlers, among them Alex's ancestors, rebelled to establish the Republic of Texas to preserve slavery. Slaver Andrew Jackson lobbied for the admission of Texas into the Union, and this led to the American-Mexican War which produced the military leaders of the U S Civil War.

But after working so hard to be admitted into the Union, with armed rebellion and war, Texas then seceded from the Union to defend negro slavery!! 

And Alex's ancestors fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army to defend negro slavery.

Alex now protects, defends and promotes Jackson and the Confederacy and thus negro slavery by barely mentioning his family's slave heritage and claiming that the U S Civil War was about a tariff, when all Ordinances of Secession state the defence of negro slavery as the prime cause with only one briefly mentioning a tariff, and then only as a minor secondary cause.

So, if Alex Jones is hiding this disgusting family heritage, and he is a bona fide U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset, and he sold out to the network that did 9/11 and runs paedophile rings (Zionist U S Military Intelligence and Roy Cohn network) to get Trump elected, what else is Jones lying about?

And why are the Ickes whoring themselves out so much with Infowars?

Have they sold out too?

Anyway, the Ickes have failed.

Nearly 50 million Brits have been injected with toxic gunge which they say will kill them all in the next few years.

Unless that is just another Icke fantasy designed to create fear and panic so we buy their stuff?

And if you're wondering why I detest the Ickes so much?

They go on and on and on about us all being one conciousness and we should just love each other, but when my sister's house was professionally burgled Garth Icke mocked me.

And that was after I donated £1000 to daddy Dave's I P defence fund around 2006/7.

The Ickes. Are. Frauds!  

Satanists want to kill Garth Icke's daughters so he films himself walking up Snowdon.

That is not giving a shit about your own children.

And David Icke does absolutely nothing but say let's just love each other?


Absolute. Scum!




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