Saturday, February 21, 2015


With all the media frenzy focusing on who killed Lucy Beale in Eastenders, it was quietly reported this week that selected Syrian rebels will be given radios to contact the USA military and call in air strikes on targets that the rebels think should be bombed. The alleged belief is that the moderate rebels, if they exist, will only call in air strikes on Islamic State positions.

But do you really think that will happen?

Do moderate rebels actually exist?

And if so then to whom are they loyal?

Tony Cartalucci has identified how Islamic State will be used to provoke a war on Syria: there are no moderate rebels; so whoever gets the radios will call in air strikes on Syrian military positions; and when that happens how will the Syrian military respond? And how will the USA respond to that response?

I was suggesting in summer last year that Islamic State were created in order to be used to get at Assad in whatever way would work, and that American bombers would soon be bombing Syrian military accidentally on purpose to provoke retaliation from the Syrian military, but I never once believed that the rebels would actually be given radios to call in those air strikes to provide some (im)plausible deniability!!

But Tony has nailed it: this will probably provoke war on the warmongers have been wanting since at least 1991 when Paul Wolfowitz told General Wesley Clark that the USA had 5 to 10 years to take out those old Soviet client regimes: Iraq, Iran and Syria. These 3 nations with Hezbollah were then named in A Clean Break in 1996, then also in Rebuilding America's Defenses in 2000, then 9/11 was engineered to provide the casus belli, then the plan for war on seven nations in five years was revealed to Clark was implemented: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. But by 2007 this Plan A was moribund so Plan B was agreed between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran. But that has not worked because after 4 years Assad is still in power.

So we now have this Plan C.3 in which Islamic State's allies will be given radios to call in air strikes.

But air strikes on whom?

Islamic State or Assad?

It will obviously be on Assad.

But who will give a fuck when Fifty Shades of Grey will be out on DVD when all this is happening.

...Clearly then, if all the “moderate rebels” the US claims are in Syria have in fact long-ago pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda, then US airstrikes called in by these militants will essentially be airstrikes called in by Al Qaeda against the only legitimate forces in the region actually fighting terrorism.

The creation of ISIS, just like during the US occupation of Iraq where Al Qaeda created the “Islamic State of Iraq” to maintain plausible deniability, is simply an attempt to build distance between the Al Qaeda terrorists the US is directly arming and will soon be providing air cover for, and the overt atrocities being carried out by these very same terrorists.

While ISIS is currently being touted by the US as the pretext upon which this recent move is predicated, the reality is instead that America and its allies are simply “easing into” a direct military confrontation with the Syrian Arab Army.

As US airstrikes begin hitting Syrian positions, it is likely that eventually Syria or its allies will retaliate and provoke a wider and more direct campaign against Damascus itself. Should Syria and its allies resist striking back, the US is likely to manufacture a provocation anyway.

Barring Syria and its allies’ ability to provide sufficient deterrence against the beginning of this latest, most dangerous, and most desperate yet leg of America’s war on Syria, and should Syrian defenses be incapable of staving off a Libyan-style NATO operation that has left that nation entirely in the hands of ISIS, expect to see yet another nation handed directly over to extremists – intentionally – for the sole purpose of continuing this proxy crusade next into Lebanon and Iran, then into southern Russia and western China.

[source : Tony Cartalucci, US “Easing Into” War with Syria Using ISIS Boogeyman,, 21st February 2015]

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