Tuesday, February 11, 2020


All that money for nukes that will never be used.

Or will they be used?

We know what the U S Military is like. They bomb here, there and everywhere. The only time they've used nukes was at the end of WW2 (and that was not needed because Japan had offered to surrender months before but that was rejected precisely to give the USA the pretext to nuke Japan and test their shiny new mega-death weapon).

So if the U S Military is given lots of mini-nukes, what do you think they'll think?
"Hey, guys. We've got all these shiny new mini-nukes just lying around. Nobody'll notice if we use a couple in Syria to get rid of that troublesome Assad."

The following day there are a few large explosions in Syria, and then some more, and eventually Assad is ousted.

We'd probably notice if a large mushroom cloud suddenly appered over Damascus.

But a very large explosion with very little mushroom cloud?

A mini-nuke could be mistaken for a very large conventional explosion.

Then the next conversation will be similar:
"Hey, guys. Look what happened in Syria. We used a few of those mini-nukes and got rid of Assad. Why not do the same in Iran?"

And after Iran?

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