Monday, February 10, 2020


EIR/LPAC are still at it demanding, now that Orinj Trump has been acquitted, that we colonise the moon before anything to bring the USA together, and then the world together: Russia, India, China, the USA, leading the mission to colonise the moon and then Mars.

Really? Yes. really.

You remember 9/11? WTC collapsing. Three thousand dead. Wars for Israel ever since. Eighteen years of war, terror, head-chopping, throat-cutting, car bombs, etc. Millions dead, seriously injured, maimed, decapitated, burned alive, thrown off buildings,etc.

The evidence against Israel is overwhelming. Cui bono? Just look at who has been destroyed since 9/11: Iraq; Libya; Sudan; Syria. All enemies of Israel. And Trump just tried to start war with Iran by assassinating General Soleimani, perhaps the single individual who has had the most effect and success against Islamic State.

Israel controls the USA. Has done since 1945. Israel has the US Senate by the jaffas. And Trump by the very orinj jaffas.

So what's going to happen when we get to the stage that the moon can be colonised en masse. Who will be used as the mass lab rats? The Palestinians? Coz Israel was allowed to get away with 9/11 and controls the USA? And Russia?

Someone is going to have to be used as lab rats. Will you volunteer? Will Kesha Rogers? Paul Joseph Watson?


And what better way to ethnically cleanse Palestine than to use them as lab rats. Well, they are already, by Israel, to test their new exotic weapons.

Once you understand what the Zionists have done and and how they have tricked us, this proposition is not so out-of-this-world, so outlandish, so crayzee.

We must expose 9/11 first. First, second, third and last. Before anything else. 9/11 must be exposed. We cannot let Israel get away with 9/11 and control the USA and Russia as the human race colonises the moon and then Mars.





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