Saturday, April 11, 2020


I actually laughed at alleged comedian Alistar Williams today. But only once. And it wasn't because of his incisive wit. It was his dog.

In his recent video, The Q Movement, his show descended into utter farce when he was supposed to be talking about the Q movement but was encouraged by viewers to show the audience his "bitey" Doberman puppy called Hector. So he did. Many suggestions were made about how to stop Hector biting him.

Anyway, Williams revealed himself to be a Qtard and devoted Jonestard.

Williams began talking for about 5 minutes about General Michael Flynn and his admiration for Flynn. Flynn is an enigma. He exposed the deliberate creation of Islamic State. But he then writes a book with extreme Neoconservative fascist Michael Ledeen which claims that the USA is under attack from Islam and Commnism and the USA must go to war! So on one hand Flynn exposes that radical Islam is manufactured by the USA, but on the other he writes a book with a rabid pro-Israeli Neocon which claims that the USA is under attack from radical Islam!

There's something not right about that. Something wrong. It's smells of PNAC Rebuilding America's Defenses...

Anyway, about half the show was about "bitey" Hector and his biting. The rest was about Q and Williams' love for Alex Jones. Jones sold out to the perps of 9/11, and believes that Covid-19 is a hoax yet flogs Infowars products which he claims are cures for Covid-19! The FDA just told him to stop that nonsense.

But there was a very interesting comment in the chat that David Icke had sent his son to a recent Q meet up. Is this true? Coz if it was it would explain why extreme rightist Zionist sell-out U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset was the most frequently posted author on

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