Not sure about 5G actually causing 'Covid-19', but I'd agree very much with:
1. the paedo death cult that runs the planet wants absolute total control over all of us;
2. having engineered 2 world wars and 9/11, they would try to pull off something so audacious as to cover up a standard flu as a terrifying killer;
3. then use the fear to lockdown developed nations to increase national debts, transfer wealth up, and implement draconian 'emergency' measures that remain, including forced mass vaccinations and some kind of implantable microchip/tattoo;
4. and while developed nations are in semi-permanent lockdown China gets a head start.
I find it very suspicious that this all started in a city in China which has the only BSL4 lab in China. The 'virus' could have been deliberately released, or accidentally escaped from there.
But China tried to cover the outbreak up, the WHO believed them, until it was too late to contain it globally.
There is something nasty about this 'virus'. I believe it is real and does exist, but also that there is no bona fide test for it and that what Icke suggests is happening is true: that although Covid-19 may have been seen by electron microscopy, there is no one single test for which Covid-19 is the only thing on planet earth that will return positive, so therefore a positive Covid-19 test result is not necessarily Covid-19 and could be exosomes.
The paedo death cult is definitely trying to pull off something very, very audacious with this, including using the lockdown to secretly roll out 5G masts.
As for 5G causing Covid-19? Icke has a point that the media has been banned from discussing that, but that ban may not be for 5G causing Covid-19 but could just be so that we don't talk about and smear 5G as bad.
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