Monday, April 06, 2020


The UK PM has been in quarantine for 10 days coz of ''Covid-19'.

Then he was rushed to hospital cos of consistent high temperature.

Now he's in intensive care.

If he survives it will be very, very, very interesting to see how he and the Tories treat NHS workers.

And by workers I mean: cleaners, nurses, admin.

I'm reminded of a scene in Schindler's List when a one-armed old Jew is executed by Nazis because he claimed to be an 'essential worker' but local Nazis thought otherwise and executed him.


Funny how international bankers and their lackeys are not considered essential.

Do you know anyone like that? International banker? Greedy? Selfish? Causes mass death? White? Works for a Bilderberg bank? Do nothing but gamble on behalf of their demonically-possessed masters?

How many 'essential workers' will contribute to saving Johnson's life!

Are you an essential worker?

This is what this Covid-19 crisis is testing: will you sign that form to not let your aged parents live when the test being used is extremely unreliable? And the test is not even testing what's it's supposed to be testing for!!!

Remember: the British royal family supported the Nazis!!

And Bilderberg, and allowing Hitler and the Nazis to escape to South America, was all about building an economic/military block to stop the Soviets.

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