Monday, April 13, 2020


Between summer 1998 and spring 2005 I was zapped.

I was frequently allowed just 1 hour unbroken sleep per night, but it was most frequently less than 4 hours unbroken. Just as I was about to fall asleep I would not only hear but also feel a clicking, fizzing, buzzing or rasping that would wake me up instantly, give me heart palpitations and disturb natural brain waves that it would be at least 1 hour before I could even try to get to sleep. And then the whole process would begin again. Nearly 7 years of that. But sometimes it would be a sound such as an agrressive dog barking and growling, or a shotgun being fired.

Yesterday the Ickes posted this vid below by this guy describing the dangers of high band 5G, which he describes as greater than 20Ghz.

Current 5G frequencies are less than 6Ghz. EVEN IN CHINA!

This son-of-god has gone to Icke's head.

I was also gang-stalked and there were 2 failed abductions of me in 1997/8 and possibly one more in summer 1998 when a white van pulled up about 10m in front of me, the side door slid open but nobody got in or out. Just before I reached the van it very quickly sped off. This was approximately when the zapping started.

Below is what I partially experienced, and evidence that electronic mind-reading has been in effect for years.

“Frey found that human subjects exposed to 1310 MHz and 2982 MHz microwaves at average power densities of 0.4 to 2 mW/cm2 perceived auditory sensations described as buzzing or knocking sounds. The sensation occurred instantaneously at average incident power densities well below that necessary for known biological damage and appeared to originate from within or near the back of the head.”

...Alan Yu, a former lieutenant colonel in the Taiwan National Defense Department, says that the United States has not only developed an operational mind control machine, but has also distributed models for use by allied countries. Yu states that such machines pose a great threat to human rights and the American way of life. He calls the device the “Mind Reading Machine” (Mind Machine).

[source : Synthetic Telepathy and Early Mind Wars]

But what does Icke do?

Takes my money, spies on me, his son mocks me when my sister's house is burgled.

But the question is : do the Ickes have copies of data and codes hacked and stolen from me?

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