Friday, April 10, 2020


Is there an actual real-life virus called Covid-19?

I believe so.

Is it a bioweapon?

I believe so.

Who engineered it?

China, at the BSL4 lab in Wuhan, but possibly with some help from USA.

Was it released deliberately?

Possibly. We have to ask why the Chinese military decided to hold the World Military Games in Wuhan? Was it so when Covid-19 was released the Chinese could then point to the presence of the USA at those games as a possible source of the virus? But the virus could also have leaked accidentally.

Did China cover up the outbreak?

I believe so.

Is there a reliable test for Covid-19 for which only Covid-19 will produce a positive?

I believe not.

Does 5G cause Covid-19?

I believe not. But the effect of 5G on the human body could be causing symptoms similar to Covid-19 and also producing conditions which produce positives in tests for Covid-19. Covid-19 could be being used to hde symptoms and possible deaths from 5G. THIS NEEDS INVESTIGATING IMMEDIATELY!

Is Covid-19 being used to generate panic and fear for political and economic reasons?

I believe so.

Is the medical profession being told to assume deaths of patients are from Covid-19?

I believe so.

Is the shortage of PPE designed to allow the virus to propagate?

I believe so.

Is Covid-19 being used to implement 'temporary' draconian measures some of which will not be rolled-back?

I believe so.

Is Covid-19 being used to bail out Wall Street?

I believe so.

Is Covid-19 being used to implement Bill Gates' ID2020 global database of vaccine certficates after we've been injected with his chosen deadly gunge and microchip?


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