Thursday, April 16, 2020


Extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Paul Joseph Watson will be like his hero Brexiteer Boris Johnson: detest the NHS and wants it destroyed and sold to Trump financiers; but when he needs it most he'll sing its praises and take as much free medical assistance he can get.

They're all the same: love capitalism; until the next capitalist crisis when they suddenly love socialism for the bailouts.

But that's the extreme right: love extreme unregulated capitalism; but in times of crisis depend on socialist bailouts for their survival while the rest of us suffer and die.

Here's a simple question : wouldn't it better to not have extreme rightist capitalism in the first place, with all its extreme rightist intels to spy and persecute so that Wall Street and The City of London can make billions and billions and billions, and not have all the wars to flog mass death and destruction and imperialism?

Clue: yep!

Time was when Paul accused U S intels of 9/11. But then he sold out to those same intels. Coz Trump and Q.

And look how that's turned out!

Paul, Alex Jones, the Ickes? Just in this for the money. Perverts and thieves.

But you are not going to believe what's coming next!

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