Friday, April 10, 2020


Not trying to destroy money-grabbing pervert David Icke or anything.

Just trying to give an alternative to money-grabbing pervert David Icke.

In case you're unaware, 60GHz stops oxygen combining with blood in open air but is not shown inside human body.

5G comes in different types

First, it’s important to remember that not all 5G radio signals are the same.

The two basic types are referred to as “sub-6 GHz” (so named because the radio frequencies that it uses are all under, or sub, 6 GHz) and “millimeter wave”, which are 24 GHz and higher (the name comes from the fact that individual radio wavelengths can be measured in millimeters). The only type of 5G radio signals now being used on 5G networks in China are the sub-6 GHz variety.

The thing is, we’ve been using sub-6 GHz radio signals all over the world for years for a huge number of applications with no impact. All existing 4G cell networks use signals in this range, for example, and so does Wi-Fi (remember, it operates at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) and your home microwave oven.

So, if those signals could cause some sort of metabolic change in animals or people, as the conspiracy theorists have tried to argue, we would all have experienced their impact a long time ago.

[source : Here's why 5G and coronavirus are not connected, USA Today,,24th March 2020]

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