Friday, April 10, 2020


I believe Brexit to be a Zionist attack on the EU.

The EU and Germany are by far the most charitable to the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinians.

Obama was also generous to UNRWA, and Netanyahu detested Obama.

But then CIA Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch put Trump within touching distance of Clinton. The FBI (who are covering up 9/11) and Zionist sell-outs like Infowars did the rest to put Trump into The White House. Since becoming Prez, Trump has continued the Zionist 9/11 war plan. And he has also defunded UNRWA.

Trump also withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, which is provoking Iran to also withdraw. So far, the EU has not withdrawn and has been trying to keep the deal alive.

Without the EU the Zionists would be much further along with their plans to ethnically cleanse Palestine and to complete their 9/11 war plan wth war on Iran. Trump tried by assassinating General Soleomani.

And remember: David Icke called out Murdoch as completely owned by the Brotherhood.

Murdoch is still alive.

Dr David Kelly was 'suicided'.

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